The Department of Biomedical Engineering salutes three teams of graduating seniors for their outstanding senior design projects.
The team of Nathan Campbell, Samantha Horton, Ria Kim, and John Schloen have been nominated to represent the department at the annual school-wide Pelton Award for Outstanding Senior Design Project. Their project is titled “Ultrasound Robot for Cardiac Toxicity Detection.”
Two teams tied for the department’s Best Senior Design Project. The team of Elizabeth Dillon, May Khalil, Daniela Rendon, and Danielle Roman worked on the project “Classroom Adaptation for Wheelchair Users and Obstacle Avoidance for People with Visual Disabilities.” They shared the Best Senior Design Project Award with the team of Sydney Bailes, Aaron Lynch, Alaina Martinez, Sara Melotte, and Jared Slosberg, who worked on the project “Obstacle Detection.”