Inhee Chung

Inhee Chung
Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology
School: School of Engineering and Applied Science
Department: Biomedical Engineering
The Inhee Chung Lab focuses on uncovering the biophysical regulation of cancer metastasis, with a particular emphasis on understanding the early stages of the disease. The lab employs an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the biophysical properties of cells and their surroundings, including structural, organizational, and biomechanical features. The lab utilizes live-cell-based single-molecule tracking approaches with mathematical analyses, custom-built super-resolution microscopes, measurement of biomechanical properties such as cell stiffness, artificial intelligence, theoretical simulations, as well as conventional biochemical and cell biological methods. These techniques enable the lab to capture various dynamic features present in live cells at a high resolution and in real-time. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in cancer metastasis and to identify new prognostic biomarkers and targets for therapy. By shedding light on the fundamental biophysical principles underlying cancer biology, the research has the potential to offer novel and fundamental mechanistic insights into human disease states as well as normal cell physiology.